I.T. Steering Committee final report

The IT Steering Committee was established in December 2020 as a committee of the BE Board.

For the last two years it has been overseeing the implementation of the strategy to replace the IT system piece-by-piece with accredited third-party suppliers.

Amanda Taylor was appointed Head of IT in June 2022 and has been working with other members of executive management to take forward the IT programme.  As a result, it is now time for the BE CEO to assume direct oversight of the IT function, as she does with other executive functions.  This means the Committee’s function as a separate Board-level oversight body is no longer required.  As CEO, Helen West will determine how the IT programme will be managed in future, but it is anticipated that an executive committee may be put in place with a similar remit to that of the Committee, and that the IT User Group will continue to operate as a forum for gathering and addressing user feedback.

The Committee has produced a final report on its work, which can be found here.

The Committee’s members (other than BE staff) have given freely of their time and attention on a voluntary basis, providing valuable insights from their own stakeholder networks.  The sport owes them a great deal and we are very thankful to them all for their time, skills and willingness to help begin to solve BE’s now well-documented IT issues.

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